Thursday, November 8, 2007


Well, I have realized that I am a special kind of nut! After hours and hours and hours of work, I am now the proud creator of 2 sheep, and a donkey. And three small crafty items, with many more on the way. I don't quite know what's posessed me, but I am into cross-stitch in a BIG way. Of course it's great for the holidays. Because what says "LOVE" like a useless knick knack that will be taken out for one month out of the year and takes almost as long to make?? At any rate it's easier than blogging. It's taken me an hour to figure out how to switch my fonts! Computers scare me. . . And I'm not quite brave enough to venture into posting pictures yet...but when I do get my courage up, prepare to be dazzled

1 comment:

Coree Adams said...

haha you'll get there deary! I'm so glad you have a blog!