Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Late Saturday night, and into the wee hours of Sunday morning, Dan and I were in the ER finding out that he had a gallstone that was the cause of the intense, agonizing pain he was feeling. So bright and early Monday morning, I called a surgeon that Sara said was the best-trusting her vast ER nurse knowledge-and set up an appointment for this afternoon. We found out that Dan's gallstone is 1.8 cm long which, apparently is pretty big, and the surgeon wanted to take care of it right away. He said that they were lucky to even see it in the ER because a CT scan is better for finding kidney stones, and ultrasound is the best for gallstones. He also said that Dan has some inflammation around the gallbladder area that makes him think that the stone is blocking the passage for the bile in the gallbladder to get out. Apparently the gallbladder produces bile to help break down fats and whatnot for our bodies to process. And in some people the bile solidifies into stones. Now lots of people can have small stones that they don't even know about and that don't do any damage. But in some cases the stones get big, or they block the passage out-so the bile just builds up and the gallbladder gets inflamed and hurts. Also, gallstones that are 2cm or bigger can either cause or contribute to (don't remember quite which one it is) gallbladder cancer.
Anyway, the surgeon today very calmly and nonchalantly said that it needs to come out and what were we doing tomorrow. He actually would have taken it today, but we needed to preauthorize it with the insurance company. It's a good thing we got at least a day's notice because we had a heck of a time finding a worthy priesthood holder to give Dan a blessing tonight. Both our Home Teacher, and my cousin Frank are involved with the scouts so they were busy tonight; and the Bishop was with the young men-he was teaching tonight-and the rest of the Bishopric were super busy with interviews tonight, but it was taken care of. It was weird to me because I kind of take for granted that anytime I need a blessing, Dan is right there. But for Dan we actually had to leave the house. I am grateful though that it was just a matter of finding a few minutes in the midst of busy schedules. I can't even begin to imagine how it would be if we lived in an area where the problem was finding a worthy priesthood holder. Or how it would have been to have lived when the Priesthood wasn't on the Earth.
So, having prepared spiritually, physically, financially, and scholastically (Dan got to call his professors after having taken the pain meds-probably not the best planning) I have good feelings about this surgery. I just want for Danny to stop hurting; I hate to see him wince in pain and try to hide it so I don't worry about him. And he's looking forward to being off pain meds and not being loopy anymore!


Coree Adams said...

Poor guy!!!

Sara L said...

We love you both so much...
Hope everything is going good now that the stone the size of a golf ball is out. Keep us posted.