Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Baby update

He still likes having his hands up at his face

And look at that nose! I can definitely see the Adams influence there!

Today was my third ultrasound, and it was really neat getting to see my little boy again. I can't wait to see him in person! Everything is going well, and he continues to grow and develop. One thing does concern me he weighs 6lbs, 15 oz......And he still has 5 weeks of growing to do! He's in the 94th percentile for his weight. And I am terrified! Because if he continues to grow at the standard rate of 1/2 a pound a week for the next 5 weeks, he is going to be a 9 1/2 pound baby! And while that's good for him, and a plus b/c he'll fit in all his little clothes right away, and it means that I've been doing something right these past few months to allow him to grow big and strong....BUT....that would mean that I would have to give birth to a 9 1/2 pound baby! The scariest part is that he's only my second. And typically you have bigger babies each time around (Devon was 7lbs, 3 oz born 3 weeks before his due date), so I'm scared to even think about how big my kids are going to be by the time we're done. Overall, I'm happy and grateful that he's healthy, with no signs of any problems, and he doesn't have a cleft palate like his uncle, or a semnicolsal cleft like his daddy, and like I said earlier, I can't wait to see him in person. I can't believe that it's coming up so soon, we've only got about another month to wait!


Coree Adams said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW I LOVE that Adams nose! Dane has it too! SO CUTE!

Brandon and Mandi Hemming said...

So cute!! I cant wait to meet him!! Congrats you two! By the wat- why has to been TOO long since we've seen you two??? :) You guys should come over for dinner and games sometime real soon when we have Bryan and Coree over!! I'll be in touch about that.

CF Is Not Forever said...

Cute pictures! Megan is on pins and needles for hers to come too!