Monday, September 22, 2008

Which dwarf are you?

I've determined that on any given day, my disposition can be expressed by answering a simple question. Of Snow White's Dwarfs, which one am I today?
Today, I am Sneezy from going through boxes of baby stuff, and because the cats are more clingy and attention needing than usual (they got spayed today).
I am Sleepy because due to the wondrous joys of pregnancy combined with the need to take the cats to the vet this morning, I got a grand total of maybe 3 hours of sleep last night. And because due to the many joys of pregnancy, I'm pretty much always Sleepy.
I am Dopey today, as usual. I can't remember a dang thing, and when I'm Sleepy, I have a tendency to be a little incoherent and/or rambly. I feel like a special ed 10 year old, trying to function as a normal adult sometimes. Also, I am a complete butterfingers which really sucks, because everything I drop, I've got to bend down to pick back up!
And, as usual, I am Grumpy today. Today, yesterday, the day before....Grumpy is one Dwarfism that pretty much describes me on a daily basis. I try to be sweet, and loving, but it's just not happening lately. Dan is looking forward to the baby being born not only because we'll have him then, but more importantly, I won't be pregnant anymore. So, then I can go back to being nice, and happy, and I won't be mean and sleep for 17 hours a day anymore. (he just thinks I sleep 17 hours a day, I try, but I'm lucky to get 7!)
Despite my negativity, I am glad that very soon we will get to meet our son. I can't wait to see him, and to hold him. And I know that I would do it all over again in a heartbeat (or a year, if Dan gets his way). I do know that I should be more grateful that I can have children, and that I've had an uneventful pregnancy, and a baby boy who is showing no signs of any illness or problems.

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