Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Monday Morning Inspiration....for the Monday that falls in the middle of the week

So far I've been doing ok with this whole weekly thing, but having trouble with the Monday part. Oh well. Here we go again
on your mark, get set, scripture flip
hmm..I got the topical guide...let's try this again
on your mark, get set, scripture flip (again)
1Nephi 19:13
"And as for those who are at Jerusalem, saith the prophet, they shall be scourged by all people, because they crucify the God of Israel, and turn their hearts aside, rejecting signs and wonders, and the power and glory of the God of Israel."
We all know that the people who were at Jerusalem, and who crucified Christ were the Jews. Now think back on all the history lessons you've forgotten from high school. Since the crucifiction, the Jews have been driven out of their ancestral homeland; wandered around Europe; been the vicitms of so much prejudice that a new word was invented for it: anti-sematic; then there was the Holocaust during WWII and even today Jerusalem is dead center in the middle of a great deal of turmoil-both political, and also violent, war-like.
To make this more personal, how do we, in our own lives turn our hearts aside, rejecting signs and wonders? How often do we blame God for the bad things in our lives, and credit good luck for the rest? And when we transgress, every sin we commit, every profane word to exit our lips; every impure thought in our minds; every slanderous and gossipy thing we say; every unkindness; every commandment we break-all of ut adds up. And Christ suffered for all of it. So when we make bad choices, not only we and our loved ones pay, but Christ was crucified and suffered for it. And we can wipe that tally clear through the gift of the Atonement, but if we don't then all that stuff that has been adding up will cause us to be the ones who are scourged and who suffer at the Judgement Day.

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