Wednesday, December 12, 2007

just keeping busy till something else comes along

well, it happened yet again. The truck is down. I didn't even get that far, it died and I had to park it at Desert Sam (yes I know that the real name is Desert Banner now, but to me it will always be Desert Sam). But luckily my wonderful and generous and helpful sister-in-law was able to save me from a fate worse than death. Calling out when I'm on the verge of a write-up. And my co-worker James has been able to give me a ride to and from work. And in the spirit of going above and beyond and being really helpful James even helped me tow the truck home. Which was a good thing because when we got there the truck had a citation saying that it would have been towed in about 6 hours. It's kind of sad that the truck breaking down has been the focus of two blog entries in less than 30 days. But such is life.
Meanwhile I am really looking forward to this weekend. Dan and I will go out with Sara and Justin for what promises to be a fun-filled evening of excitement and adventure.
Wow I am really stretching here. The truth is that I'm just typing something to avoid getting to work on the projects I need to finish. I am soooooo far behind on the crafty holiday projects I started. Though the secret project that Dad, Dan, Suzanne and I worked so hard on is nerly done. But I still have about a dozen small projects to finish; about half a big project and I haven't even started my dad's. Meanwhile, Dan is sitting next to me comenting on my typing skills. Apparently it amuses him to hear my type becase since I took typing in junior high I can type quickly and without looking at the keys. He's not impressed by this...oh no...he just likes to hear the clickity-clack of the keys. What a goof. But hey, he's my goof and he's all the goof I need.

1 comment:

Coree Adams said...

I am so sorry to hear about your truck! Man! That's gotta be frustrating! Well I hope you have a great weekend and that is all the fun and excitement that you can handle! And I also hope you can get all of your projects done, I too have WAY too many to be sitting here reading people's blogs...but hey! Such is life.