Saturday, November 8, 2008

Modern day Persecution

On the plus side, our Prophet isn't being tarred and feathered. However, a campaign of intimidation, ridicule, and mockery of church members in general is in action. I cannot believe the fallout for the Church over the passage of proposition 8 in California. The Pattersons, an LDS family that donated a large sum from their life savings, has been ridiculed relentlessly. One blogger asks mockingly"what's the bigger threat to their children, people getting married, or being broke?" I say, honestly, that the bigger threat is not people getting married, but people marrying others of the same gender. Not necessarily because of the choices of the individuals involved, but because the adversary has a more insidious plan. If that had passed, public schools would have to teach that an aberrant lifestyle is normal, and that deviant behavior is not only acceptable, but encouraged. Look at what's going on in Massachusetts. A doctor who, as a result of his moral feelings on the subject, felt uncomfortable assisting a lesbian couple in the process of insemination, referring them to a trusted colleague (his partner, in fact) was sued for discrimination. Successfully. During the proceedings, the judge even suggested to the doctor that he may want to consider a change of profession. A faith based orphanage (run by the Catholic Church) closed their doors rather than be forced to allow people who violate a basic tennent of their faith to adopt from their agency. Schoolchildren are being read books featuring families headed by two men or two women, and fairy tales in which a prince marries another prince after slaying the dragon. So, I ask you, what is the greater threat? The corruption of your children's education, the loss of your rights to assert yourself in your beliefs, the earlier loss of innocence (the children's teachings on 'diversity' and 'acceptance' begin in kindergarten, when most are only 5 years old)...or the loss of money that you had set aside for a rainy day? I've got to say, in this situation, the clouds are defiantly rolling in.

And now this nonsense about boycotting Utah. Claims are being made by those who opposed Prop 8 that the LDS church spearheaded the proposition, and that the "Mormons" snuck in and stole the election away from Californians who wanted to shoot the prop down. That's silly. Even if the Church wanted to influence the election and turn it against gay unions, the people of California: Mormon, Catholic, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Baptist, Atheist, Agnostic, Episcopalian, Protestant, Jewish, etc. are the ones who actually walked into the polling places and cast their vote. Why are we the ones being reviled? Why not boycott California? They're the ones who did it. Why are angry people lined up outside the LA Temple, shouting at members who are trying to attend a session? I love going to the Temple, it is a very special, very spiritual place. And I honestly think that if I was being yelled at, I might just cry.

What I think is absolutely disgusting though, is the crass and abusive television ad that was aired. It featured two young men wearing white shirts, ties and suits with nametags labeling them as missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. In this ad, the two young men force their way into the home of a 'married' lesbian couple (error number 1:Elders don't go into women's homes without another man being present) and proceed to destroy it. They throw things around, knock stuff over, and forcibly rip the women's wedding rings from their hands as the couple cries "what about our rights? We have rights" to which the young men reply "Not if we have anything to say about it" in a snarl. The young men proceed to tear through the home until they find and destroy the couple's marriage license.

I for one am happy that the people of California took the stand that they did. I just wish that certain others would admit that it was the choice of the people, and that no one was forced, coerced or brainwashed into doing it. And that to blame that State of Utah is ludicrous.


Sara L said...

Here's what pisses me off about the Prop. 8 controversy:

1) If you look at the breakdown of constituencies who voted for and against Prop. 8, it was blacks and hispanics (who overwhelmingly voted for Obama and other democrats) who voted 75-80% for Prop. 8. So they need to be pissed at all the ghetto dwellers who voted for Obama. It's all their fault. At least they still understand that 'one man + one woman equals marriage', and no other formula does.

2) If the constitution hadn't been amended, there is a good chance that all churches would have been forced to marry gay people. That's right. Forced. Mormons would be forced to marry gays, perhaps in our temples. They would cry that we're denying them their "rights" to marry, and "discriminating" against them. What poppycock.

3) The State of California passed a cohabitation law in 2003 which granted 'committed' gay couples ALL of the legal rights enjoyed by legally married heterosexual couples. They have community property rights, hospital visitor rights, survivorship rights, etc. The only thing different is it isn't called 'marriage'.

4) Which raises an interesting question: What was the point of requiring the state to issue marriage licences to gays? They already had all the legal rights they could possibly get. I believe it has to do with forcing churches to marry gays. That way, churches would have to marry no one, marry everyone, or perhaps be forced to go into hiding entirely (if stopping all marriages wasn't enough for these radical gays).

Ok, I'm done.

This was Justin -- don't be fooled by the screenname.

Sara L said...

You know that was Justin. I don't think that I use the word "poppycock". I agree with both of you though.

rachanderson said...

wow justin. "ghetto dwellers" really? Did you seriously say that?!?