Monday, July 28, 2008

Recognizing blessings

I feel that this is important to post because I think that way too often in life, we overlook the little blessings that come from obedience. At least I do. You may remember the cute little bassinet that I found on Craigslist and was trying to talk myself into buying in a previous post. Well, I finally managed to talk myself into it on that Sunday, but I decided not to call about it because it was Sunday. But, when I went to look up the posting bright and early Monday morning, it was gone. And I was heartbroken, so I turned to my husband for solace and comfort. He's a good guy, but at the time I didn't want to hear "I'm sorry honey, but you did the right thing and you'll be blessed for keeping the Sabbath."
I did decide at that moment that I really wanted a bassinet, otherwise I wouldn't have been so devastated that I missed out on that one, so I continued to scour Craigslist and a few days later I found another listing. As it turns out, it was the same bassinet that I saw originally, but it was $25 now instead of $45. And as we were heading home from picking it up, I turned to Dan and said those three little words every man wants to hear: "you were right"
The funniest part is that he had no clue what I was talking about, so I had to remind him of his words of comfort to me. Then he smiled to himself and said, "hm, I'm pretty smart" and commented on how he was proud of me for remembering that and for recognizing the blessing and being grateful for it.
Because seriously, we can say things like that as much as we want, but unless we actually see and recognize the blessings that we do receive, no matter how small, or easily overlooked they may be; we're never going to show the gratitude that we should feel from being rewarded for making good choices. If I hadn't realized that good things came from not calling on Sunday, then the next time, maybe I would have thought that it wasn't worth it to wait.
And I know that it may seem like I'm blowing this into a way bigger deal than it is, but I'm trying to get back into mommy-teaching mode so that I can raise another happy, grateful little boy who takes 5 minutes to say his 'thank yous' then goes straight to "Jeese Chrise, men"
(Not to mention that I myself can always use another refresher course on gratitude!)

1 comment:

Nyssa said...

I searched recognizing blessings because that is my topic for a talk on Sunday and your blog came up. I was wondering if you would mind me using your story in my talk? It is exactly the story I was looking for.

Thank you!

Nyssa Hill