Friday, October 10, 2008

obviously I don't 'just know'

Well, once again, I have driven into Scottsdale for no more reason than to wear a stylish hospital gown and submit to an internal exam by a friendly, cheerful nurse who smiles as I try unsuccessfully to crawl away from her violating fingers. I really should back up, I thought (erroneously as it turns out) that my water had broken. Turns out that it hadn't, but I did get an update. We're now at 2cm and -2 position. But the worst part is that the nurse is convinced that the trickling liquid that I mistook for my water breaking, was in fact urinary incontinence. She was nice about it and everything, and she did her best to explain that it happens to lots of women, especially at this stage, and that it was nothing to be embarrassed about. But I swear to you all, here and now, that I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was NOT the case! I know it with just as much certainty and clarity as I know that my husband, as a worthy Priesthood holder will give me a blessing when I do finally go into labor, and that later, he will bless and name our baby. And that our children will be born sealed to us, as an Eternal Family, and that one day I will get to see and continue to raise Devon. As you can see, I don't just think that I wasn't wetting myself, I KNOW I wasn't! (also, I happened to have laid out a towel to sleep on, just in case, the night before, so when I got home, I kind of double checked). The nurse did finally relent and say that it could also have been remnants of the plug and regular discharge, but I could see in her eyes that she still thought it was just plain ol pee. So, I was sent home, again...with the admonition that when the baby's coming, I'll "know"
Which I've got to say, is the most annoying sentence ever! The last time I had a baby was four and a half years ago! I don't just intuitively remember everything, and even if I did, this pregnancy has been very different than my last. And seriously, in what other situation would medical personnel use that phrase? "I think my appendix ruptured" "no dear, it didn't. But don't worry, if it does, you'll know"........or, "My arm feels like it's broken" "it's not, but come back if anything changes"
Anyway, I feel that I should point out now that I post this not necessarily because I think anyone out there in Internet-land wants to, or even needs to know, but mostly because my blogging releases stress and lets me chronicle my life events. And because I frequently read old posts and laugh. Sometimes, so hard that I experience urinary incontinence.

1 comment:

CF Is Not Forever said...

So frustrating! It's like you hate to be wrong and go but not be in labor, but why in the world would you ever chance it and just let something so serious just progress with the attention it requires! Hang in there!