Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Dan finally gets a CHANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greetings one and all!!!
Hello and welcome, this is the unheard of but well known "Dan" that is so frequently commented about. One would think that if I had absolutely anything to say that now would be the most wonderful of all times to say it. So, I will... "Hi"! I understand the true depth of that statement is lost on many so let me elaborate... "Hello". You see, the reason I came on and decided to post such a miraculous comment is that I may be able to stand up for myself on the things that are mentioned about me. I find that this idea has bored me and as such I have decided to take a different route.
I will be listing my own resolutions that, let's be honest, will not come true due to forgetfulness or laziness (if you are thinking "Is he really that lazy?" your answer would be... well I don't even care about finishing that sentence)...
1. I will finally catch up on all the plethora of books that are in our library, that up to this point I have neglected
2. I will make sure Princess, our little Chihuahua, will have dental check-ups and have baths on a regular basis
3. I will clean out and organize the spare bedroom as well as all the other things we haven't un-packed since we moved in (ie: back in September)
4. I will weigh 180 lbs.
5. I will write and catch up with old mission companions and friends that I have neglected to call or write since my mission, which has been 18 months now
6. I will write down lists so that I may know what I need at the grocery store
7. I will keep a daily journal
8....... Well, I told you I was lazy so now I am going to prove it by not even finishing
In conclusion, this has been a miraculous time for us to remember the good times of 2007 and I am proud to say that I am glad '07 will never come again.
Good Night Everyone!!!

PS. Rachel would kill me if I didn't express my love so... I love the chocolate pie she made for dessert today

PPS. Oh right, and her too!

PPPS. I mean I love her too, not that she is a pie or dessert... just clarifying


rachanderson said...

that's why I love you hon. You're cute, and sweet and you make me laugh

Justin said...

Good job on not finishing your list of resolutions. That means you don't really have to do anything on it.

Well, I have to change Jack's diaper right now since Sara is neglecting her motherly duties.

Coree Adams said...

That was amazing, to say the least, Dan. I'm happy to have finally heard from you. Although I truly love reading your wife's blogs.

Brandon and Mandi Hemming said...

We just love Dan!! That was so funny!!