Sunday, January 6, 2008

help, the crafts are taking over

I have finally finished nearly 90% of the Christmas projects I started.
First, the ornaments-they were done by Christmas. (At least the ones I didn't give up on were)
Then Dan's blanket. And I hope I remember this experience the next time I get it into my head to make a patchwork quilt. (though as Dan reminds me, it was entirely my idea)
Next I finished cross stitching the nativity for my mother-in-law (now to assemble.)
And the baby quilt for Jami's son Dalton. (after all, I couldn't just make blankets for Malee, Madison, and Ashlee)
Meanwhile I still haven't started the other baby blankets I need to make. I don't even have the material for Johnny Harrop's baby.
There are two dresses and a skirt that are cut out but not sewn, and I have three articles of clothing in my mending pile.

So my latest New Year's Resolution is to completely finish all my current projects before I even think about starting any others.


Coree Adams said...

You sound like me!! I do the same thing. You have been busy!

Sara L said...

I told you I would help you silly goose. I finally got Jack's bumper pad done, now for the quilt. My favorite line from Justin "Stop this crazy sewing, it is ruining my life!" Not like my husband to be melodramatic... ;)

Justin said...

Sara is ridiculous. I never said any such thing. Maybe I may have mentioned something somewhat reminiscent of what she wrote, but she has totally misquoted me in an effort to make me seem more melodramatic than I actually am.

In my defense, she did undertake about 40,000,000 projects simultaneously and I felt these projects were overtaking her life, but not mine.

Dan said...

Hi this is an anonymous writer who has as his/her souce that my wonderful wif...Rachel has again decided to not heed her own resolution that could only have possibly started a week ago by deciding that she needs to cross stitch a giant picture for someone as well as stitching some stockings. It is a little funny the amount of resolutions that she begins/ends and yet she continues to make resolution/goal/hope/wish/etc. It really is like the saying in the midwest "If you don't like the weather...wait an hour". Such is the way with Rach, when she tells you a resolution...wait an hour.
Well, this is another update from the world famous...Anonymous!
UP UP and AWAY!!!!

rachanderson said...

In my own defense, I said I would not start any other projects until I finished what I was currently working on. Not that I would not plan other projects. And I have not actually started any of the dozens of crafty adventures I have planned in my head. But once I finish the Virgin Mary all bets are off!

P.S. annonymous, I know your secret identity!

Sara L said...

Oh my gosh Rach-
Saw the CUTEST aprons online. The website is
It is amazingly adorable. Let me know what you think. It also comes in a variety of other colors and patterns. I love aprons!

Sara L said...
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