Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Pirate Dan Strikes Again!!!!

All your Base are belong to Us

You have no chance to suvive, make your time

Okay so Rachel Thinks I can't speak again, thereby I decided to Pirate this website so I can be heard again, much to your annoyance...

Yes Rachel Convinced me to do this too so here's 16 lines of boredom...

D is for Dan and...dumb...dumber...dumbest...dumbest still...and....

1. fruit

-Degeneres, Ellen

2. drink

-Dr. Pepper

3. Singer

-David Grohl

4. street

-Dobson Rd.

5. color

-dark blue

6. gift


7. vehicle

-Dodge Charger

8. things in a Souvenir Shop


9. Boy Name


10. Girl Name


11. occupation

-Dumpster Diver

12. Movie Title

-Die Hard

13. celebrity

-Dan Akroid

14. Magazine

-Detective Comics

15. city

-Denver, CO

16. sport


Frankly I am surprised that I managed to get through this

I really do get thoroughly bored at 4:30 am

Anyway, Good night everyone...until we meet again

I just realized why Rachel calls it Ramblings of a sleepy mind

Because she is tired

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