Monday, January 28, 2008

My Husband Is AWSOME!!

In case you didn't all know, I LOOOOVVVVEEEEEEEE my husband, Dan Anderson! And I love food, and I love to cook. And strange as it may seem, the three are very closely tied. When we were first married (I know, it hasn't even been a year yet, but it seems like forever, I can't remember life not married to Danny anymore; can't even imagine it) , I was really self-conscience about cooking. I wouldn't even boil water or scramble eggs with him in the kitchen. And a lot of that goes back to previous experiences when another not so great guy constantly criticized my cooking, and once even looked into my crock pot as I bemoaned the failure and overcooking of my meal (which only happened b/c the people coming to dinner were 2 hours late) anyway, this hypothetical person looked down, put his hands on my shoulders and said "that doesn't look too good. I'm going to go for burgers"
That being said, I didn't cook too often, and when I did, it was tried and true, easy meals, or quesadillas-after all, who can mess up quesadillas? But Dan has been sooooo patient with me. And every time I cook, he finds something to compliment; even when I'm just grocery shopping or thinking of what to make. He tells me how geat he thinks I am, and as a direct result I get better. Which has led to my newly rediscovered love of food. The more he believes in me, the more I experiment and the better I am.
And that is among the many many many reasons that I love my husband, and am sooooo glad that we get to spend the rest of eternity together.

Monday, January 21, 2008

The first step is admitting you have a problem

Ebay is addictive, and so is fabric and crafty stuff. And I am admitting here and now, publicly, that I have a problem.
It all started out innocently enough. I did have a genuine need to buy lots of cute fabric to make baby quilts out of. Then Sara and I started online shopping/browsing. It starts with a few seemingly harmless ebay searches. Then the frenzied bidding. And the competitive beast that takes over when the computer tauntingly tells you that you have just been outbid. And sudenly all the voices in your head are screaming "you're losing! don't be a loser! Turn this thing around and win it. C'mon, no pain no gain. You can do this!" And the next thing you know you're laying in an er room crying to the nurse that "I just did a "little" shopping. I would tell you if I did a lot."

...............the fabric is just soooooo cute. I can't resist it. I'm like a moth drawn to the light.

hmmm......I may have the potential to have just a little problem....maybe

Saturday, January 19, 2008

new and fun excitement

Suzanne and I have started making baby quilts for sale. It's so much fun. Suzanne came over yesterday and we spent two hours at Joann picking out fabrics, and today we made two adorable baby quilts, one with dinosaurs and one with panda bears. The pandas are my favorite!
Anyway, if anyone wants to check it out, I added it to my blogroll.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

HAHAHA Pirate Dan Streaks....wait....uh....Strikes Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yar Mateys!
Bet you didn't think that Pirate Dan would strike twice in one night. Many of you maybe thinking "What?!? Is he suicidal?!?!?!?" or "Where's Poochie?" Well, no I am not suicidal, necessarilly, and I have no idea where Poochie may be, check with Itchy and Scratchy. Anywho, again, I am not sure as to why Pirate Dan decided to attack such a defenseless web blog thingy as to the fact that there is nothing in which he/she has to say (Rachel points out that Danny is a he). Still, I thought that the internet and thereby the world and the known universe...think about it...would be deprived of my meaningless statements that I so often use. Rachel comments, "Pirate Dan...Pirate Dan, I married a poorly spelling Pirate". I suppose that maybe true considering I ask about every 3 words or so how to spell. Here's a game, find every 3 words I have written and ask yourself "How did Dan really spell this"? The answer may surprise you! Wow, that is a fun game. I really just did it.

Ok, so Rachel says I need to be serious or she is not going to let me write or pirate so, I guess I need to update the world on me. I started school. Um, Yeah! Rachel got home and was in a classicly mad mood. She smiles yet she knows it is true! You see, she doesn't like her job. Or she does. You see, you have to ask her a lot because her opinion changes with the moon phases that occur or as she says "Oh more often than that baby". Sara, my sister, if your reading this Sara I am saying Hi..."Hi", got me thinking about what insomnia really is, and because of this I have woken up for the past 3 days no later than 3 in the morning, usually 1 am. Well, as Rachel so commonly says, she loves me, and yes "I love my wonderful wife". If you couldn't tell, last year was a bit of a drag, save for the shining beacon that is that Rach and I were married. She really did help a lot of people get through a tough time especially me. Rach is my world and I love her. So, I feel a little sissy right now, but I want all of you to know that I really do love my wife. SHE ROCKS!!!!
I guess this has been kinda a long blog so I am going to end it. See you all later, and "May the Forks be with You".

Pirate Dan Strikes Again!!!!

All your Base are belong to Us

You have no chance to suvive, make your time

Okay so Rachel Thinks I can't speak again, thereby I decided to Pirate this website so I can be heard again, much to your annoyance...

Yes Rachel Convinced me to do this too so here's 16 lines of boredom...

D is for Dan and...dumb...dumber...dumbest...dumbest still...and....

1. fruit

-Degeneres, Ellen

2. drink

-Dr. Pepper

3. Singer

-David Grohl

4. street

-Dobson Rd.

5. color

-dark blue

6. gift


7. vehicle

-Dodge Charger

8. things in a Souvenir Shop


9. Boy Name


10. Girl Name


11. occupation

-Dumpster Diver

12. Movie Title

-Die Hard

13. celebrity

-Dan Akroid

14. Magazine

-Detective Comics

15. city

-Denver, CO

16. sport


Frankly I am surprised that I managed to get through this

I really do get thoroughly bored at 4:30 am

Anyway, Good night everyone...until we meet again

I just realized why Rachel calls it Ramblings of a sleepy mind

Because she is tired

No more chances for Dan

That's it, I'm reclaiming this blog with something I'm copying from Coree

R is for Rachel,


1. fruit

2. drink
~Root Beer

3. singer
~Reba McEntire

4. street
~Rio Salado
5. color

6. gift
~remote controlled car

7. vehicle

8. things in a souvenir shoppe
9. boy name

10. girl name

11. occupation
~Real estate agent
12. movie title

13. celebrity
~Roberts, Julia

14. magazine
~Reader's Digest

15. city
~Roseburg, OR
16. sport

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Dan finally gets a CHANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greetings one and all!!!
Hello and welcome, this is the unheard of but well known "Dan" that is so frequently commented about. One would think that if I had absolutely anything to say that now would be the most wonderful of all times to say it. So, I will... "Hi"! I understand the true depth of that statement is lost on many so let me elaborate... "Hello". You see, the reason I came on and decided to post such a miraculous comment is that I may be able to stand up for myself on the things that are mentioned about me. I find that this idea has bored me and as such I have decided to take a different route.
I will be listing my own resolutions that, let's be honest, will not come true due to forgetfulness or laziness (if you are thinking "Is he really that lazy?" your answer would be... well I don't even care about finishing that sentence)...
1. I will finally catch up on all the plethora of books that are in our library, that up to this point I have neglected
2. I will make sure Princess, our little Chihuahua, will have dental check-ups and have baths on a regular basis
3. I will clean out and organize the spare bedroom as well as all the other things we haven't un-packed since we moved in (ie: back in September)
4. I will weigh 180 lbs.
5. I will write and catch up with old mission companions and friends that I have neglected to call or write since my mission, which has been 18 months now
6. I will write down lists so that I may know what I need at the grocery store
7. I will keep a daily journal
8....... Well, I told you I was lazy so now I am going to prove it by not even finishing
In conclusion, this has been a miraculous time for us to remember the good times of 2007 and I am proud to say that I am glad '07 will never come again.
Good Night Everyone!!!

PS. Rachel would kill me if I didn't express my love so... I love the chocolate pie she made for dessert today

PPS. Oh right, and her too!

PPPS. I mean I love her too, not that she is a pie or dessert... just clarifying

Sunday, January 6, 2008

help, the crafts are taking over

I have finally finished nearly 90% of the Christmas projects I started.
First, the ornaments-they were done by Christmas. (At least the ones I didn't give up on were)
Then Dan's blanket. And I hope I remember this experience the next time I get it into my head to make a patchwork quilt. (though as Dan reminds me, it was entirely my idea)
Next I finished cross stitching the nativity for my mother-in-law (now to assemble.)
And the baby quilt for Jami's son Dalton. (after all, I couldn't just make blankets for Malee, Madison, and Ashlee)
Meanwhile I still haven't started the other baby blankets I need to make. I don't even have the material for Johnny Harrop's baby.
There are two dresses and a skirt that are cut out but not sewn, and I have three articles of clothing in my mending pile.

So my latest New Year's Resolution is to completely finish all my current projects before I even think about starting any others.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Anderson Family Top 10

I was reading blogs and was inspired by Kamarah's Top Ten things that happened in 2007, so here's mine in no particular order.

1. Danny and I were married.
2. My adorable nephew Jackson was born.
3. Devon made a new best friend-Emma
4. We found out that we can be sealed to Devon-after months of worrying and weeks of research.
5. Dan and I got to visit his parents in Illinois, the first time I've been on an airplane since 2000
6. Dan, and I visited Grandma for Thanksgiving.
7. I got to meet some new Anderson family members at the reunion in July. And see some we hadn't for a while.
8. I changed my name to Rachel Anderson, and it finally felt completly "official" when I got my new scriptures with my new name.
9. PJ visited/stayed with us for almost 2 months over the summer.
10. Dad and Dan collaborated and scheemed to throw me an "unbirthday" party that was a surprise only because my birthday was a month earlier.

I know that some of these are kind of stretching but I wanted my list to be good things, and the bad seem to be so much easier to remember.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Years Resolutions

It's the new year!! May 2007 never come again.,
Anyway, in the time honored tradion of setting resolutions and then forgetting about them by March, here I go.
this year I will...keep in touch better. My goal is to call Grandma Adams at least once a month and my dad, sister, and in-laws at least once a week.
This year I will...always have my home clean enough to feel comfortable having people over. Regardless of how late I work, even if it means not being as critical and judging cleanliness so strictly.
This year I will...finish reading the Book Of Mormon with Dan. We've been reading since before we got married and at the rate we're going, Our yet unborn sons will be leaving or even coming home from their missions before we're done.
This year I will...Read the Sunday school lesson before it's taught. At least once a month.
This year I less for myself. I know I don't always need the new dress or shoes or shirt, etc. Even if it is super cute and even if it is on sale.
This year I will...continue to tell my husband every day how great he is and show him how much I love him.
This year I will late to Sacrament Meeting. I will be there to sing the opening hymn...not just catch the end in the foyer. (or miss it altogether)
This year I will not...make jokes at my husband's expense, or repeat anything he wouldn't want said. I didn't even really realize I was doing this until he told me actually. But I want to stop NOW because I want Dan to know that I love and respect him and want him to be comfortable knowing that I'm not embarassing him.
This year I will envious of other parnets and their families. Even when I see in the news or in magazines that parents are acting in an unfit manner.

I think that's about it. Wish me luck, and have a great new year!