Sunday, September 14, 2008

A rant

Ok, I've just got to get a few things off my chest.
One: People who park in spots that aren't for them. Like the person who parks in a handicap spot who doesn't have a licence plate or even a rearview mirror placard thing. Also included in this group are people who have access to a rearview mirror thing and use it when the person it's intended for isn't with them. I knew a person who used to do that, and it always made me feel a little weird about it. Also, non-pregnant people who park in spots designated as "expectant mothers only" spots. I find it especially funny when it's just a guy or all guys who get out of the car. And when possible, if I see that, I make darn sure that I waddle my big pregnant self right in front of them, and I'll admit that I've been known to make it look like I'm really struggling with my bags as I walk to my car that's parked waaaaaayyy farther down. But that's just because I'm mean like that.
Two: Another car related one. I know that it's irrational and ridiculous, but I hate it when I let someone get in front of me, and I don't get the happy thank you wave. I mean, come on, I just saved you like five minutes of waiting to get across 3 lanes of traffic from a driveway to the far left turn lane, and you can't spare me four seconds to raise your hand in a wave of gratitude? What's up with that?
Three: People who are crazy and mean and get away with it. There's a couple of people like that in my family and extended family and in-laws. It drives me nuts that they can do or say something stupid, hurtful, and/or totally untrue and everyone just sighs and says, well, that's just how they are. That may be true, but I'm sick of pretending that it's ok, and not saying anything because they're just looking for attention and it's going to be a bigger production and more drama than it's worth.
Four: People who are just stupid in crazy efforts to get attention. Lately I've encountered a certain person who claims medical miracles, conditions that are not present, complications that arise from these nonexistent conditions, and then talks about how much they have been through and how hard the imaginary stuff has been on them. Normally I would just chalk it up to a crazy attention starved person with nothing better to do with their time, but this person is claiming conditions that I have actually dealt with, and conditions that people who I love a lot have had to suffer through and live with. And they way that this person talks and they way this person is acting feels like the severity of the condition is being cheapened and lessened. If even half of the stuff being "dealt with" was true, or even plausible my heart would go out to that person, but it's really annoying me right now. Dan keeps telling me to ignore it, and not to let it bug me, and that it really doesn't impact me in any significant way. He's right, of course, but man, it gets under my skin!

Whew, I've gotta say, I feel better now that I've gotten all that off my chest! Well, good night


Coree Adams said...

Oh precious Rachel, I love you!

CF Is Not Forever said...

Whew! It feels good to just let it all out doesn't it! Work it!