Friday, April 18, 2008

It's a sign

I was contemplating what type of salad I should prepare for the campout tomorrow, and I had finally decided on fruit salad since I'm going to stiffle my natural urges to buy chips and candy and cookies. But last night I had the strangest dream. I don't remember any of it really. I just know that I had made a fruit salad for one reason or another and it did not turn out well at all.
So now I'm back to square one with all that. was way more fun to go as a kid. I got to watch my mom frantically making something for the raffle at the last possible moment. And Dad came home with the truck fully loaded with yummy food. And all I had to do was lug my bag of clothes out to the truck where Daddy would cheerfully load it up. Now I have to go out and buy the yummy food and plan the menu and make sure we get everything loaded up, and go to the storage place to get the camping stuff our (don't look at me like that..we got the storage in February and I knew we wouldn't be going camping for a'll probably stay at home for the rest of the summer). And I get to be the navigator, even though I'm not quite sure how to get there. I was going to ask Dad for directions, but I forgot to before he left. That's ok though, I knida remember from three years ago which was the last time I had to drive myself. And Danny's used to my very vague and not so good directions. The first part of how to get to Grandma's house is drive up Country Club till it's a highway, then go to Payson and turn right at McDonalds. Oh well, at least it's keeping my mind occupied!

1 comment:

CF Is Not Forever said...

Bummer I missed the fruit salad! What a rip off! Next time, next time! I loved seeing you at the campout - check out my slideshow there is a cute picture of you and your sister and Spencer torturing your father.